Police Emergencies

Call 911 in case of emergency

In the event you need the emergency services of the City of Vicksburg Police Department immediately, please dial 911 now. If you would like to learn the basic steps to follow in a police or emergency situation, listen to this message.

When you dial 911 for emergency assistance, the dispatcher will answer the phone and ask you questions about the emergency. They are:

your name

the address of the emergency

the telephone number you are calling from

a brief description of the emergency such as "An intruder is in my house," or "There is an accident at the intersection of Mission 66 and Clay Street."

Emergency dispatchers agree that remaining calm is the most important thing you can do to help them help you. Dispatchers ask standard questions to help them make evaluations, decisions, and forward the necessary information to those responding to your call. The Vicksburg Police Department will use this and other information to assign personnel and equipment. In police emergencies, a computer tells the dispatcher which police units are to be dispatched, the name of the subdivision in which the address is located, and the closest intersection to the address. The dispatcher then sends the assigned units. All E-911 dispatchers and officers in City of Vicksburg are trained and certified to handle your emergency situation. For more information about police and emergency procedures, stop by the City of Vicksburg Police Department's main office, located at 820 Veto Street, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, or call them at (601) 636-2511.