water and gas

Do you have a gas safety pamphlet?

Yes we do. Use our download area to view and print the pamphlet.

How do I calculate my water bill?

The water consumption printed on your utility bill represents your water usage in thousands* of gallons. So a bill that shows a consumption of 14 means that you used 14,000 gallons during the billing cycle. To calculate your water charge you need to find the correct Water Rate Chart and minimum bill for your account.

Sample taken from Residential-Inside City Limits Rates.

Billed Consumption of 14 or 14,000 gallons
First 2,000 gallons is $10.06 (Minimum Bill)
The next 8,000 Gallons is $3.07 per thousand
The next 10,000 gallons are $2.66 per thousand

First 2 = $10.06
Next 8*$3.07= $24.56
Next 4*$2.66= $10.64 B

Bill for 14 consumption: $10.06 + $24.56 + $10.64 = $45.26

*Some accounts have large meters that our billing system adds a multiplier to before calculating the bill.

How do I check for a water leak?

Water leaks can cost you hundreds of dollars over a period of time and can be hard to detect. Toilets that run, faucets that leak and faulty hot-water heaters are usually the main source of problems. You can download a Water Leak Pamphlet using our "Downloads" section.

How do I open a new account for service?

Come by our office between the hours for 8:00 am and 1:00 PM or between 2:30 PM and 4:30 PM Monday - Friday. We will help you make application for service and will explain the services we offer as well as our billing procedures. A security deposit of $105.00 (water and gas) for homeowners and $150.00 (water and gas) for renters is required. You must show proof of ownership (contract to buy/sell or deed) or if renting, a lease agreement or rent receipt from your landlord when applying for service. We also require picture ID. Same day service is available when deposits are paid before 1:00 PM

How do I transfer an account?

To transfer your service to a new address simply come by our office during working hours and give us the new address information. A payment of your current bill and a $20.00 transfer fee are required.

How much are the deposits for Water and Gas service?

A security deposit of $105.00 (water and gas) for homeowners and $150.00 (water and gas) for renters is required. You must show proof of ownership (contract to buy/sell or deed) or if renting, a lease agreement or rent receipt from your landlord when applying for service. We also require picture ID. Same day service is available when deposits are paid before 1:00 PM

What do I do if I need Emergency service?

For emergency service after hours contact the 24 hour dispatch center at 601-636-1096.

Why is my bill so high?

Your water bill is calculated using the total number of gallons you used during the billing cycle. There are many factors that can cause your water charge to be high. Water conservation is the simplest thing you can do to safeguard against a high water bill. Things that you should look for are leaking faucets, running toilets, broken pipes, leaving the water running while washing your vehicle, and watering plants and lawns. A simple thing such as a dripping faucet or running toilet can use hundreds even thousands of gallons in a months time.