Criminal Reports

handcuff drawing

Anytime you observe suspicious or illegal event or suspect the occurrence of one while in the City of Vicksburg, you should report the incident to the City of Vicksburg Police Department. Always contact the police as soon as you discover a crime has been committed or is in the process of being committed. Never assume that another observer will make the call, or that there is time to talk the event over with friends and family. Call the police immediately to insure the most effective response to the problem. Whether or not the incident has just occurred or requires emergency response to protect life and property, call 911.

Many people have questions about what is suspicious. It could be a stranger who enters your neighbor's home while your neighbor is away with no apparent lawful purpose, or someone carrying property such as TVs, radios, or stereos at an unusually late hour or in an unusual place. It could be non-public employees using or damaging public utilities. Other suspicious activity is the sound of shattering glass, which could be the sign of a burglary or vandalism in progress. Anyone being forced into a vehicle could be the victim of a possible abduction. In general, any activity which you observe that is out of the ordinary and potentially illegal should be reported.

When you make your report, the officer or dispatcher will ask for your name, address, and phone number for informational purposes; however, you may remain anonymous and any information you provide will be kept in confidence. An officer will gather pertinent facts about what you witnessed, such as what happened, where, when, and who was involved. It is always helpful if you can provide information like names, physical descriptions, facial features, types of clothing, and estimated ages of the people involved. If a vehicle is involved, a physical description as well as the color, model, year, and license plate number are very helpful. Any detail you can remember will greatly assist police in the apprehension of criminals. If you are reporting a crime such as a burglary, breaking and entering, or theft, provide the police with as much information as possible about the property taken, including property value and serial numbers.

After you file your report, remember that the City of Vicksburg Police Department receives numerous reports everyday and that it may be some time until your report is investigated. The Police department must prioritize reports by the nature and severity of the crime committed and the factor time plays in a particular investigation. Be assured that officers make every effort to quickly and comprehensively follow up each situation. For more information about detecting criminal or suspicious activity, or to file a criminal report, contact the City of Vicksburg Police Department's main office, located at 820 Veto Street, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, or call them at (601) 636-2511.